Tech: Online Tax Assistance Platform Taxumo is the First Digital Startup to Get Four-Year Tax Holiday from BOI

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As part of the government’s thrust to spur the digital startup industry and technological innovations in the Philippines, pioneering online tax assistance platform Taxumo ( was recently granted a four-year income tax holiday so it can focus its resources on growing its business.

This recent move makes Taxumo the first digital startup firm approved by the Board of Investments (BOI) under the 2017 IPP (Investment Priorities Plan.)

Taxumo is an easy online tax filing and payment web app that revolutionizes tax
processing for Filipino solo entrepreneurs, self-employed professionals, and


Says EJ Arboleda, Taxumo’s CEO: “We are grateful that the BOI has given the attention
to Taxumo, which sets a precedent for the tech startup industry to get the support it
needs to move forward, which in turn will generate jobs and ease business operations.
We are proud to be leading the way for the industry.”

“Digitalization is a great equalizer that levels the playing field among small and large
firms.  Adopting an innovation-led business model, like the integration of digital
strategies and e-commerce, enables MSMEs to scale-up their status and become
competitive in the long run,” Trade Secretary and BOI Chairman Ramon M. Lopez said.

“We must effectively tap the potential of MSMEs as it forms a significant part in of our
country’s growth resurgence and nurturing them not just as backbones of our economy
but also one of the prime movers of both domestic and regional growth.”

Trade Undersecretary and BOI Managing Head Ceferino Rodolfo said: “BOI supports
entrepreneurial startups as an engine for economic development and as a key driver of
economic diversification and job creation. While the Philippine start-ups sector is at a
nascent stage, our large young internet-savvy population and growing economy make
the country a hot-bed for technology-driven activities.” He stressed “the need to have a
forward thinking mentality that is anchored on providing entrepreneurs and startups
with the necessary support to start and grow right from the earliest stages of

Through Taxumo, users simply enter their income and expenses in the system regularly,
which then provides real-time information on tax dues. The platform also autofills the
relevant tax forms (BIR Form 2551M for Monthly Percentage Tax Payments, Form
1701Q for Quarterly Income Tax Payments, and soon, Form 1701 for Annual Income
Tax Payments) with calculations based on the data entered by the user. From there,
they can easily file and pay their tax dues online through Taxumo as well.
Users can avail of paid subscription packages on the platform, depending on their

Taxumo founders team

Partner with adobo Magazine

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