The YourSingapore campaign shows the changing face of the city-state

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ASIA-PACIFIC, SEPTEMBER 2010 – Half a year running and still going strong, BBH Singapore’s YourSingapore integrated campaign for the Singapore Tourism Board takes off from the shape of the city-state and turns it into iconic logos as varied as the people of Singapore and as ever-changing as the landscape of the city-state.







The Living Logo continues to adapt and evolve.


BBH Singapore won the rebranding pitch last year to replace the Uniquely Singapore campaign. YourSingapore is also the URL of the website (, which is a comprehensive portal for individual and business travellers, and even locals who wish to discover more of their home.

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The campaign also has print, TVC and out-of-home components.

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Agency: BBH Singapore
Executive Creative Director: Steve Elrick
Creative Directors:  Shawn Loo, Noel Yeo
Copywriter: Douglas Hamilton, Elena Fletcher
Art Director: Adrian Chan, Evonne Ng
Designer: Tomaz Goh, Edward Ng

Print Production: Michelle Tan, Lesley Chelvan, D’or Tey
Planner: Fredrik Sarnblad
Production company: Mecanique Generale, Thomas Koh, Cactus Studio.

TV – Agency Producer: Kristin Armstrong
Production Support: Partizan & The Mill

Commissioned illustrator for "Playful" Thematic Logo: Soh Ee Shaun

Website: Agency XM Asia

Living Logo Production/DI: The Mill (UK)
Digital Producer: Amy Wong

Account Director: Richard Powell
Account Service:Mike See, Lesley-Anne John ,Jonathan Kang, Rebecca Souw


Partner with adobo Magazine

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