MANILA, PHILIPPINES — Venom: Let There Be Carnage is one of the biggest Marvel movies for the year. The success is partly due to the introduction of Venom’s archenemy Carnage, a symbiote being who bonds with Cletus Kasady, a nihilistic serial killer. A truly fearsome combination that fans love to hate. Comic Book Guy JV lists his favorite stories of the symbiote psycho to show why he’s a fan favorite:
“Carnage” (Writer: David Michelinie. Artist: Mark Bagley. Graphic Novel: Carnage Classic) – The debut of Carnage! Creative team Michelinie and Bagley show us what a nasty piece of work Kasady is. While Carnage’s “dad” Venom may be a homicidal maniac, he still maintains a twisted coda to protect the innocent. Carnage is all about the joy of killing with reckless abandon and glee. Stronger and more lethal than Venom, it takes both him and Spider-Man to take him down.

Carnage Mind Bomb (W: Warren Ellis. A: Kyle Hotz. GN: Carnage Classic) – A sadistic therapist is tasked with rehabilitating Carnage but as the saying goes, when you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares right back. Ellis and Hotz give you a glimpse into Kasady’s disturbed mind and you’ll see things that you wish you could unsee.

Absolute Carnage (W: Donny Cates. A: Ryan Stegman. GN: Absolute Carnage) – His powers augmented by Knull the God of Symbiotes, Carnage goes on a terror spree so deadly only the combined might of Venom, Spider-Man, the Avengers, and the Fantastic Four can stop it. This Marvel event is a relentless rollercoaster ride that pushes Venom and his allies to the brink.

Venom Island (W: Donny Cates. A: Mark Bagley. GN: Venom Island) – When Eddie Brock (AKA Venom) discovers that the Carnage symbiote has merged with his symbiote, he exiles himself to a deserted island to protect everyone he cares about. Cates and Bagley tell an offbeat survival tale where a symbiote-less Brock must figure out a way to outwit Carnage that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

No Survivors (W: Dan Slott. A: Greg Smallwood. GN: Carnage Black, White & Blood) – A Carnage killing spree survivor must deal with the trauma of having lived through the experience. To say anything more would spoil this dark and twisted tale. It’s safe to say that facing Carnage and living to tell the tale could actually be a fate worse than death.

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